Anhui Menus translations

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Chinese name PinyinEnglish description
花鼓蹄膀hua1 gu3 ti2 pang1Pork hock cooked in clay pot (pot realizes steam and food is cooked in its own juices). Seasoned with onions, ginger, anis and cooking wine.
腐乳爆肉fu3 ru3 bao4 rou4Stir-fried pork steak shreds with fermented bean curd.
荸荠肉bi2 qi2 rou4Fried water chestnuts stuffed with minced pork
罐汤guan4 tang1Soup with pork cubes, various vegetables and vermicelli.
徽州丸子hui1 zhou1 wan2 zi5Huizhou style balls. Steamed glutinous rice balls stuffed with pork meat. Snow white and tasty.
焦炸羊肉jiao1 zha2 yang2 rou4Deep-fried mutton meat. Seasoned with ginger, onions and pepper.
葡萄鱼pu3 tao5 yu2Beautiful tasty dish. Its called like – Grape-shaped Fish. The presentation in a classical appearance should look like a bunch of grapes. In reality it is a black carp cut into the shape of a ladder, deep-fried and seasoned with a grape juice.
毛峰熏鲥鱼mao2 feng1 xun1 shi2 yu2Huge fish – shad (herring) smoked. Sprinkled with aromas of Maofeng tea.
腌鲜桂鱼yan1 xian1 gui4 yu2Salted mandarin fish. Fish first fried and than stewed bamboo shoots and pork may be added.
红酥鲫鱼hong2 su1 ji4 yu2Gold fish stuffed with minced pork, scallions and ginger. Anything to do with fish in Anhui is a great experience.
茄汁虾jia1 zhi1 xia1Shrimps fried in a sauce made of sugar, sweet flour paste and chicken broth.
蟹烧海参xie4 shao1 hai3 shen1In this dish sea cucumbers are cooked with crabmeat and bamboo shoots.
清炒鳝糊qing1 chao3 shan4 hu4Eel shreds, stir-fried with ham, ginger and scallions.
发菜甲鱼fa4 cai4 jia3 yu2Steamed turtle meat cooked with seaweed (Facai) and pieces of ham.
符离集烧鸡fu2 li2 ji2 shao1 ji1Braised chicken in Fuliji style. Beautiful golden whole chicken with extremely tender meat.
茶叶熏鸡cha2 ye4 xun1 ji1Another dish smoked with tea. Chicken first steamed and then cooked on an iron rack over saucepan with rice crust and tea leaves.
葫芦鸡hu2 lu5 ji1Chicken in a shape of pumpkin. Chicken stuffed with small cubes of beef, bamboo shots, ham, mushrooms and shrimps. Feet and wings are also inside of chicken. Quickly boiled, fried and than steamed.
蒜香鸡suan4 xiang1 ji1Garlic chicken. Chicken stuffed with ginger, garlic, and onions, steamed. Served in a sticky sauce made of chicken stock.
捶鸡chui2 ji1Chicken fillets coated in egg whites and steamed.
无为熏鸭wu2 wei2 xun1 ya1Wuwei county smoked duck. Tender meat and golden color.
翡翠鸭fei3 cui4 ya1Steamed Duck meat with stir-fried green peppers and pork meat
椿芽焖蛋chun1 ya2 men4 dan4 Omelet with Chinese Toon (taste similar to onion)
豆苗山鸡片dou4 miao2 shan1 ji1 pian4Pheasant slices stewed with potherb mustard, bamboo shoots and ham
红扒野鸭hong2 pa2 ye3 ya1Wild duck braised in soy sauce
黄山双石huang2 shan1 shuang1 shi2Huangshan braised pigeon. Pigeon meat cooked in a slightly thick sauce made of sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, and tomato paste.
酒醉核桃仁jiu3 zui4 he2 tao5 ren2“Drunk nuts”. Chestnuts boiled with candy sugar and liquor.
问政山笋wen4 zheng4 shan1 sun3Bamboo shoots from Wenzheng mountain. Quickly boiled with ham or dried mushroom.
黄焖笋huang2 men4 sun3Stewed bamboo shoots.
金银蹄鸡jin1 yin2 ti2 ji1Soup with chicken and pork hock.
皱纱南瓜苞zhou4 sha1 nan2 gua1 bao1Steamed pumpkin stuffed with pork, ham and mushrooms.
四季豆腐si4 ji4 dou4 fu54 seasons bean curd. Bean curd fried with bamboo shoots.
八公山豆腐ba1 gong1 shan1 dou4 fu5Bagongshan Bean Curd. Deep-fried been curd cubes with bamboo shoots, shrimp roe and black fungus.

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