Jiangsu menus translation

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Chinese name Pinyin English description
酱方jiang4 fang1Pork steak first boiled and then simmered. Served in a sauce of meat consommé, wine, soy sauce and candy sugar.
松子肉song1 zi3 rou4Pork steak, with square cuts, covered with mixture of minced shrimps and eggs. Quick fried, then braised. Served in a sauce generated during cooking (mix of soy sauce, ginger, wine, sugar).
樱桃肉ying1 tao2 rou4Pork steak cuts braised in a broth (meat stock, ginger, wine). This dish sometimes can be also found in Hangzhou cuisine.
酱汁肉Jiang4 zhi1 rou4Pork steak cooked in caramel sauce.
蟹粉狮子头xie4 fen3 shi1 zi5 tou2Well-known dish - lion heads. Balls made of minced pork fried and served over Chinese cabbage leaves.
无锡排骨Wu2 xi1 pai2 gu3Wuxi style pork ribs. Pork ribs simmered in a sauce (soy sauce, ginger, sugar). *Wuxi is a city in Jiangsu province.
糖醋小排骨Tang2 cu4 xiao3 pai2 gu3Sweat and sour pork ribs. Pork ribs cooked in a sweat vinegary sauce.
翡翠蹄筋fei3 cui4 ti2 jin1Emerald pork tenderloin. Pork tenderloin cooked in chicken broth, with ham and shrimp eggs. Served with a fried sponge gourd that gives this dish an emerald colour.
扒烧牛筋pa2 shao1 niu2 jin1Steamed beef tenderloin with stir-fried Chinese cabbage, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and ham.
松鼠桂鱼song1 shu3 gui4 yu2Suzhou style Mandarin fish served in a shape of squirrel. Fried whole fish with bamboo shoots and mushrooms.
醋溜桂鱼cu4 liu1 gui4 yu2Yangzhou style Mandarin fish. Whole mandarin fish fried and accompanied by a mix of stir-fried onions, ginger and garlic in a soy sauce.
煮糟青鱼zhu3 zao1 qing1 yu2Black carp fish. Carp soaked in liquor during long hours and fried. Served with stir-fried bamboo shoots, mushrooms and ham.
白汤鲫鱼bai2 tang1 ji4 yu2Soup of carp fish. Golden colour carp fish soup with bamboo shoots, mushrooms and ham.
无锡脆鳝wu2 xi1 cui4 shan4Crispy fried Chinese yellow eel. Typical Wuxi dish.
烤鳝kao3 shan4Roasted Chinese yellow eel.
鳝段焖肉shan4 duan4 men4 rou4Simmered Eel with garlic.
出骨刀鱼球chu1 gu3 dao1 yu2 qiu2Anchovy balls. Anchovy mixed with shrimps cooked in a chicken broth.
清蒸鲥鱼qing1 zhen1shi2 yu2 Shad fish steamed with ham, bamboo shoots and mushrooms.
红烧鲥鱼hong2 shao1 shi2 yu2Shad fish braised in a sick red sauce. This called “red –braising” - means slow cooking in a mixture of dark soy sauce and spices.
塘鲤鱼片汤tang2 li3 yu2 pian4 tang1 Stewed carp fish slices with minced ham and cooking wine.
白汁鮰鱼bai2 zhi1 hui yu2Typical Jiangsu fish (freshwater carp). Fish is simmered with wine, salt and bamboo.
干炸银鱼gan1 zha4 yin2 yu2Anchovies fried with wine, salt and bamboo shoots.
三鲜脱骨鱼san1 xian3 tuo1 gu3 yu2Fried carp fish stuffed with bamboo, mushrooms and shrimps.
凤尾虾feng4 wei3 xia1Shrimps coated in egg, fried and served with stir-fried green beans.
炸虾球zha2 xia1 qiu2Fried shrimp balls.
龙井虾仁long2 jing3 xia1 ren2Longjing Xia Ren or literally, Dragon Well Tea Shrimp. Infused with the aromatic and highly priced--and valued--Longjing tea. It also considered being one of the Hangzhou specialities (Zhejiang cuisine).
清汤海参qing1 tang1 hai3 shen1Steamed sea cucumbers served with ham, mushrooms in a clear chicken soup.
西瓜鸡xi1 gua1 ji1Young chicken wrapped in watermelon rind and steamed - is well tasted in summer. Excellent to try during a visit to Suzhou.
荷叶炬鸡he2 ye4 jiu4 ji1Baked chicken in a lotus leaf.
酱油嫩鸡jiang4 you2 nen4 ji1Tender chicken. Chicken cooked under press with spices.
香酥鸡xiang1 su1 ji1Spiced chicken. Chicken first steamed and then fried.
烧卖shao1 mai4Steamed dumplings filled with pork meat or other ingredients.
盐水鸭yan2 shui3 ya1Nanjing Salty Duck. Duck stuffed with five spices powder and boiled over a low heat.
荷叶粉蒸鸡肉he2 ye4 fen3 zheng1 ji1 rou4Chicken and pork meat steamed and wrapped in lotus leafs.
花菇凤翼hua1 gu1 feng4 yi4Steamed chicken wings with mushrooms.
黄焖鸡翅huang2 men4 ji1 chi4Braised chicken wings with mushrooms.
芹菜拌干丝qin2 cai4 ban4 gan1 si1Fresh tofu with celery in soy sauce.
番茄烧豆腐fan1 qie2 shao1 dou4Tofu cubes with stewed tomatoes.
素炒黄豆芽su4 chao3 huang2 dou4 ya2Stir-fried soy beans sprouts
酱烤四季豆jiang4 kao3 si4 ji4 dou4Stir-fried green beans
植物四宝zhi2 wu4 si4 bao3Assorted winter vegetables.

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