Non-alcoholic beverages

If you want to order a drink:
Wo3 yao1 + name of a drink (you can pick up one from the list below)
I would like to drink + name of a drink (you can pick up one from the list)

Chinese name PinyinEnglish description
苹果汁ping2 guo3 zhi1Apple juice
汽水qi4 shui3 Beverages
可口可乐ke3 kou3 ke3 le4Coca cola
椰子汁ye1 zi3 zhi1Coconut juice
咖啡ka1 fei1Coffe
键宜可乐 jian4 yi2 ke3 le4Diet coke
果汁guo3 zhi1Fruit juice
柚子汁you4 zi3 zhi1Grape fruit
葡萄汁pu2 tao2 zhi1Grape juice
热的re4 de5Hot
开水kai1 shui3Hot water
冰的bing1 de5Iced / Very cold
芒果汁mang2 guo3 zhi1Mango juice
牛奶niu2 nai3Milk
矿泉水kuang4 quan2 shui3Mineral water
柳橙汁liu3 cheng2 zhi1Orange juice
百事bai3 shi4Pepsi
菠萝汁bo1 luo0 zhi1Pineapple juice
豆浆dou4 jiang1Soya milk
番茄汁fan1 chie2 zhi1Tomato juice
奶精nai3 jing1White coffee
冰块jia1 bing1 kuai4With ice
不加冰块bu2 jia1 bing1 kuai4Without ice
酸奶suan1 nai3 Yogurt

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