Beijing Cuisine Menus Translation

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Chinese name Pinyin English description
虎皮肉 hu3 pi2 rou4Pork prepared with soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, ginger and anis. First boiled, then steamed. Served in a thick broth obtained during cooking.
过油肉guo4 you2 rou4Pork tenderloin, usually first soaked in a soy sauce and then stir-fried with bamboo shoots, cucumber, chicken broth, cooking wine, ginger and onions. All thickened with starch.
松子扒肉 song1 zi5 pa2 rou4Pork braised with pine nuts, ginger, soy sauce, onions and cooking wine.
酱爆肉条jiang4 bao4 rou4 tiao2Thin cuts of pork meat stir-fried with bamboo shoots and fermented soy sauce.
芫爆里脊 yuan2 bao4 li3 ji3 Pork tenderloin cuts stir-fried with coriander leaves, cooking wine, onion, garlic and ginger.
番茄腰柳fan1 qie2 yao1 liu3Pork tenderloin cuts fried with bamboo shoots, cucumber, jam and tomato paste.
炒肉末chao3 rou4 mo4Minced pork meat stir-fried with sugar, soy sauce. Usually served with steamed bread.
手抓羊肉 shou3 zhua1 yang2 rou4Quick-boiled mutton meat chunks with bone. Eaten with sauce made of onions, garlic, pepper, vinegar and sesame oil.
油爆肚仁 you2 bao4 du4 ren2Lamb tripe stir-fried with pepper, ginger and cooking wine.
涮羊肉 shuan4 yang2 rou4Instant boiled mutton. This is a must to have dish. This is also called Mongolian Hot Pot. Thin slices of mutton meat are loaded into hot cooking broth and cooked very quickly.
烤肉kao3 rou4 Another very typical Beijing must-try. Roasted mutton.
烤羊肉串 kao3 yang2 rou4 chuan4Lamb Kebab. This is one of the typical street snacks in Beijing.
醋椒鱼cu4 jiao1 yu2Braised mandarin fish, flavoured with vinegar, ginger, garlic and pepper.
干煎鱼gan4 jian1 yu2 Mandarin fish fried with garlic, sweet wine and sugar.
干烧鲫鱼gan4 shao1 ji4 yu2Crucian carp braised with minced pork, ginger, garlic and spicy bean sauce.
鸡汤鱼卷ji1 tang1 yu2 juan3Fish balls (made of mixture of carp fish meat, minced jam and bamboo) cooked in a chicken soup.
抓炒鱼片zhua1 chao3 yu2 pian4Mandarin fish slices fried with soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and cooking wine.
红煨鳝段hong2 wei1 shan4 duan4Stewed eel with ginger, garlic, onions and cooking wine.
芙蓉蟹黄fu2 rong2 xie4 huang2Stir-fried crab ovaries with lotus seeds, coriander, vinegar, ginger and sugar.
茉莉香虾仁mo4 li4 xiang1 xia1 ren2Shrimps stir-fried with sugar, ginger and onion. At the end of cooking jasmin flowers are added.
北京烤鸭Bei3 jing1 kao3 ya1If you are not familiar with Beijing cuisine this is number one to try - Beijing roasted duck. Cooked duck is sliced and served with small tortillas.
鸭骨汤 ya1 gu3 tang1Duck Bone Soup
香酥鸭xiang1 su1 ya1Duck soaked in a mixture of onions, ginger, anis and cooking wine. Then fried and served with a spicy sauce.
清蒸鸭 qing1 zheng1 ya1Steamed duck
火燎鸭心huo3 liao2 ya1 xin1Fried duck hearts, prepared with cooking wine, soy sauce and coriander.
金鱼鸭掌jin1 yu2 ya1 zhang3Duck webbed feet prepared with ginger and onions.
酒香鸡jiu3 xiang1 ji1Pieces of chicken cooked in a yellow wine
酱爆鸡丁jiang4 bao4 ji1 ding1Stir-fried chicken cubes with ginger, soy sauce and cooking wine.
烩生鸡丝hui4 sheng1 ji1 si1Chicken strips stewed with ginger and bamboo shoots.
蛋羹dan4 geng1Steamed omelette
它似蜜ta1 si4 mi4Loin of lamb fried with sweet flour paste (similar to Beijing duck sauce)
炒豆腐chao3 dou4 fu5Tofu stir-fried with cooking wine, ginger and soy sauce.
炒豆腐脑chao3 dou4 fu5 nao3Stir-fried tofu served in a thickened chicken broth.
锅塌豆腐guo1 ta1 dou4 fu5Deep fried battered tofu
烧茄子shao1 qie2 zi5Stir-fried eggplant
炒柿子椒chao3 shi4 zi5 jiao1Stir-fried green bell pepper
红烧冬瓜 hong2 shao1 dong1 gua1Pumpkin braised in a say sauce
焖扁豆men4 bian3 dou4Fried haricot beans
炒土豆丝chao3 tu3 dou4 si1Stir-fried potato shreds

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