Shandong Menus translation

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Chinese name PinyinEnglish description
锅烧肘子guo1 shao1 zhou3 zi5Ham hock first boiled, steamed and than fried with starch and soy sauce.
汤爆双脆tang1 bao4 shuang1 cui4Soup made of slow-cooked diced tripe (the cleaned intestines and stomach of a pig) and chicken gizzards.
火爆燎肉huo3 bao4 liao2 rou4Pork meat pieces stir-fried in thickened, starchy gravy. Then quickly fried in a slightly burnt peanut oil.
滑炒肉丝Hua2 chao3 rou4 si1Stir-fried pork shreds. Slightly starchy with garlic seasoning.
干炸里脊gan1 zha2 li3 ji3Pork loin coated with egg and cornstarch, deep-fried.
九转大肠jiu3 zhuan4 da4 chang2Large pork intestines fried and braised in a sauce (soy, garlic, ginger and clear broth).
清炸大肠qing1 zha2 da4 chang2Variation of the previous dish. Fried large pork intestines in a sweetish starchy sauce.
大葱烧蹄筋da4 cong1 shao1 ti2 jin1Pork tendons stewed in a clear broth with onions.
大葱爆羊肉丁da4 cong1 bao4 yang2 rou4 ding1Quick-fried diced mutton with onions, thickened with starch, seasoned with soy sauce and cooking wine.
扒牛肉条pa2 niu2 rou4 tiao2 Beefsteaks (beef first boiled, than steamed) in a slightly thick sauce made of soy, cooking broth and sesame oil.
糖醋鲤鱼(糖醋黄河鲤鱼)tang2 cu4 li3 yu2 (tang2 cu4 huang2 he2 li3 yu2)Sweet and Sour Yellow Carp (traditional Jinan dish). Carp is deep-fried. Before servicing a typical sweet & sour sauce is added: onions, ginger, minced garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and broth.
干蒸加吉鱼gan1 zheng1 jia1 ji2 yu2Steamed red sea bream (porgy) with bamboo shoots, ham and mushrooms.
红烧鲑鱼hong2 shao1 gui1 yu2Mandarin fish braised in a thick brown sauce. This cooking technique is called “red –braising” - slow cooking in a mixture of dark soy sauce and spices.
干烧鲳鱼gan1 shao1 chang1 yu2Quick-fried and then braised Pomfret fish with chillies.
糖醋棒子鱼tang2 cu4 bang4 zi5 yu2Yellow croaker fried in a sweet and sour sauce. Fish is served in the shape of maize.
赛螃蟹sai4 pang2 xie4Eggs fried with steamed fish. The name of this dish is – “fish that smells like crab”, because eggs remind the taste of a crabmeat.
百花大虾bai3 hua1da4 xia1King prawns first quickly fried and than fried on a low temperature with spices and seasonings (chicken broth, sugar, vinegar, garlic, ginger, cooking wine.)
红烧大虾hong2 sha01 da4 xia1King prawns red-braised.
三彩大虾san1 cai3 da4 xia1King prawns presented in three colours. Fried canapés of bread with king prawns. Prawns are stuffed with ingredients of different colors (mushrooms, spinach, jam) to give this dish a colourful presentation.
番茄虾片fan1 qie2 xia1 pian4Stir-Fried Prawns in Tomato Sauce.
雪丽大蟹xue3 li2 da4 xie4Crabs first steamed, then boiled. After - claws can be stuffed with beaten up eggs whites and fried again.
熘蟹黄liu1 xie4 huang2Crabmeat and eggs first steamed and then quick-fried.
扒原壳鲍鱼pa2 yuan2 ke2 qiao4 bao4 yu2Abalone meat steamed and later braised with bamboo shoots, jam. Sometimes can be served in a shell.
蚝油鲍鱼hao2 you2 bao4 yu2 Stir-fried abalone in oyster sauce.
炸蛎黄zha2 li4 huang2Fried oysters.
油爆海螺you2 bao4 hai3 luo2Conch (sea snail) stir-fried.
德州扒鸡de2 zhou1 pa2 ji1Chicken in a Dezhou style. Chicken can be roasted or braised. Special flavour is added by mix of aromatic herbs called yaoliao. Dezhou is prefecture-level city in Shandong province. Curiously a Dezhou also stands for “Texas” in Chinese.
扒雏鸡pa2 chu2 ji1Braised baby chickens.
布袋鸡bu4 dai4 ji1Chicken fried and steamed, stuffed with pork, mushrooms, prawns, bamboo shoots, jam and ginger.
苹果鸡ping2 guo3 ji1Steamed apples stuffed with chicken, jam, mushrooms and ginger.
鸡里爆ji1 li3 bao4Chicken breast meat shreds coated in eggs and fried with pig tripe.
辣爆鸡胗la4 bao4 ji1 zhen1Spicy chicken gizzards stir-fried, coated in egg.
芝麻鸭zhi1 ma5 ya1Duck fried in coated in sesame seeds.
八宝布袋鸭ba1 bao3 bu4 dai4 ya1Braised duck stuffed with “eight treasures” (pork, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, prawns etc.).
奶汤白菜nai3 tang1 bai2 cai4Chinese cabbage cooked in a milky broth. Milky broth is prepared by boiling chicken, pork meat and pork bones.
红烧茄子hong2 shao1 qie2 zi5Eggplant braised in a red sauce.
软烧豆腐ruan3 shao1 dou4 fu5Stewed bean curd.
凉拌粉丝liang2 ban4 fen3 si1Noodles with chicken, pork, eggs, shrimps.
云片猴头yun2 pian4 hou2 tou2Steamed "Monkey head mushrooms".
扒三白pa2 san1 bai2Three tones of white. A dish made of abalone, chicken breast meat and bamboo shoots.

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